Get Involved

Association Society and Values work depends entirely on the donations of its members and supporters. Help us to defend human dignity and freedom, marriage and family in Bulgaria and Europe!

​Bank accounts

Association Society and Values

First Investment Bank
IBAN: BG42FINV91501200027789 (BGN)
Bank address: 37, Dragan Tsankov Blvd.
1797 Sofia, Bulgaria 

​Association Society and Values
Allianz Bank Bulgaria
IBAN: BG53 BUIN 9561 1000 4700 68  (BGN)


Vladimir Vazov Blvd.
bl. 169, fl. 1, ap. 3
Sofia 1517, Bulgaria
[email protected]

Help us fulfill our mission by filling in the fields below and by sending the amount you wish to participate with to our bank account or via PayPal. 

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