In reference to Commission’s roadmap regarding EU strategy on the rights of the child (2021-24), Association Society and Values recommends the strategy:
1. To uphold and defend the principle of subsidiarity, as a fundamental principle in anti-discrimination standards, and the right of member states to determine their own policies in the fields of marriage and the family, parental rights, education and health.
2. To better protect the rights of the children. In relation to the protection of vulnerable children, the EU commission should confirm in its strategy that there is no right to a child, but rights for every child to know and be known and cared for by his or her parents (Convention on the rights of the child, Article 7). The strategy should uphold the right for every child to know his biological parents and to have a mother and a father.
3. To strengthen the protection of family integrity against unlawful and rush interference by the social welfare authorities. The Member States should ensure that children are only taken from their parents under well-evidenced circumstances demonstrating a real risk of serious harm and subject to sufficient judicial review at all stages while maintaining the objective of family reunification.
4. To work for the respect and promotion of the primary right and responsibility of parents for the upbringing, health and education of their children (including the sex education), to educate them according to their choices and beliefs, and this right to be guaranteed in all EU educational programs.
5. To oppose human trafficking of babies through encouraging the abolition of the surrogacy practice in all member states. Surrogacy compromises the dignity of the child by making the child the object of a contract – a commodity.
6. To protect children against pornography and sexual exploitation as banning pornography on TV channels and increasing the protection of children’s physical, mental and moral development to on-demand services and video sharing platforms.
We would request the above points to be carefully considered.
Association Society and Values is a civil association that encourages and protects human dignity and freedom, children’s and parent’s rights, marriage and family in Bulgaria and Europe since 2007.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art. 18, item 5)
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 2 of Protocol № 1)
Convention on the rights of the child, Article 7
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 5 and Article 11, item 2)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Art. 5, Art. 6, the EU Treaty;
United Nations Family Resolution (A / HRC / 29 / L.25), July 2015